How to create your profile on FacultyPage

Following are the step by step directions to publish your profile.

1. Create a new account by entering your email address, last name and first name in the registration form. An email will be sent you to confirm your registration.

2. Go to your email account and open the email from FacultyPage. Click and accept the account registration. You will be taken to the profile page.

3. Enter a strong password. Click save. On the rigt side below the top picture block, click on edit profile link.

4. Upload your picture. Maximum dimension 300x300 and maximum size 50kB.

5. Click on "Immediate notifications settings" and select email notifications that you prefer.

6. After selectin/entering all other fields click save.

7. Click on "Personal Information" at the top panel. Enter the information that you would like others to see. You can leave other columns blank. Click save.

8. Click on "Work Information" at the top panel.

9. Have a pdf of your resume/CV ready on your desktop. Click Browse under "My Resume" and upload your resume/CV. This can be multiple pages as long as you do not exceed 300kb.

10. Complete all other fields that you would like to display. Click save. Your profile is now complete and saved. You will see your picture in the right top block.

11. Click on My Profile on the top tab. Copy the URL and save on your desk top. This will be your profile URL. You can share this URL with others, include on your institution website or on you email signature.

12. Whenever you want to edit your profile, click on edit Profile link under your picture. You can now edit your profile and save again.

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